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At JW Ventures Private Limited, the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been an integral part of the way we have been doing our business since inception. For more than 10 years, the Company's CSR initiatives has played pivotal role in improving the lives of the communities and society at large and in & around our operations with an objective to energize, involve and enable them to realize their potential. This has also enabled us to fulfill our commitment to be a socially responsible corporate citizen.
Preamble and philosophy:
(a) JW Ventures Private Limited (the "Company") is committed to conducting its business in socially, environmentally and ethically responsible manner and contributes to the society and environment in which it operates, to be able to contribute to social welfare and directly or indirectly, financially assist people at large to improve their life or condition.

The main objective of JW Ventures' CSR policy is
To lay down guidelines to make CSR a key business process for sustainable development of the society.
To directly/indirectly undertake projects/programs which will enhance the quality of life and economic well-being of the communities in and around our plant and society at large.
To generate goodwill and recognition among all stake holders of the Company.
Our responsibilities
Our Facility aims to address all of our clients needs and ensure that all types of cargo can be handled. Therefore we stratergize and offer a customized solution depending on our customers needs.
Towards our communities
We will involve communities surrounding our operations to bring about a positive change in their lives through holistic, sustainable and integrated development.
Towards our customers
We will build gainful partnerships with the customers to understand their needs and provide right product and service solutions. We will adopt and actively encourage the best and fair business practices and shall endeavor to build solid bonds with them.
Towards our Business Partners
We will support our suppliers to cultivate ethical and fair business practices and give preference over other to those who demonstrate this.
As a Corporate Citizen
We reaffirm our commitment to conduct our business with environmental accountability. We will endeavor to adopt environment-friendly technologies and energy efficiency in our operations while continuously monitoring and reducing emissions.
Responsibilities toward our Employees
We foster a work culture with high ethical principles and standards and encourage our employees to perform with total integrity, commitment and ownership. We will do all we can to support their professional growth and recognize high achievers.
We recognize that our employees and contractors deserve to work in safe and healthy work environment and make it our responsibility to ensure zero harm to people. Our CSR Activities activities are based on three major ideas that we consider to be the pillar of society :

At JW Ventures Private Limited, we believe that education is a vital investment in shaping a brighter future. A significant portion of our CSR budget is dedicated to initiatives in the field of education. Our efforts include:
Sponsoring schools run by non-profit charitable organizations with the mission of supporting underprivileged and needy communities.
Providing free education, shelter, and healthcare to children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Offering financial assistance for education to those in need.
Building schools for underprivileged children and victims of natural disasters.

In the realm of healthcare, our focus is on promoting well-being and access to medical services through:
Organizing eye and health check-up camps for underprivileged children or supporting trusts that conduct similar activities.
Raising awareness about the importance of eye donation.
Conducting blood donation drives.
Supporting the development of healthcare facilities by contributing to hospitals for infrastructure such as operating theatres, wards, and sanitation facilities.

Supporting the Elderly
To care for senior citizens, we have established a serene old-age home housing over 80 residents called Anand ashram, Located 50 kilometers from Mumbai in the Konkan region of Vajreshwari, along the banks of the Tansa River, this facility ensures a dignified and comfortable living environment for the elderly.
Additionally, we are closely associated with the Shri Suburu Saas Sun Trust, which is committed to serving underprivileged communities by providing essential services such as food, healthcare, and education.
- No. 15-23, National Highway 4B, Panvel-JNPT highway, Village: Padeghar Panvel, INDIA-410206
- +91 022 5050 0000
- enquiry@jwllogic.com